Change How You Feel About Your Wardrobe

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Can you believe we are already midway through 2020? It’s been a challenging first half of the year to say the least. You might even be saying, “ONLY midway through?” We spend so much time focusing on the beginning of the year that we often neglect the second half of the year, thinking that we will just start fresh in the “New Year.” But what if we shifted our mentality and started embracing the remainder of 2020?

I’m not saying it will be easy, given the times we are in, but Imagine how much better we would feel?

It’s important to shift our mindset as much as we can. And one way to do that is with something we have control over: how we feel about our wardrobe. Although it might seem trivial with everything going on in your life, it might just be the mental boost you need. One way to accomplish this is to take a 7-day selfie challenge where you focus each day performing the following tasks:

  1. Organize your closet already! No, seriously. How many times have I said this is critical to making your life easier.

  2. Style an outfit that you have never worn together.

  3. Try and mix stripes with other prints. This is easy if you keep the color family the same.

  4. Wear a typical outfit, take a selfie and then wear that outfit you have never worn together and take another selfie.

  5. Mix and match colors that you haven’t experimented with before.

  6. Style that piece of clothing you have been desperate to wear but haven’t. This will help you decide if you need to keep it or not.

  7. Wear something that makes you feel your most beautiful, authentic self.

Take a selfie for the next 7 days and tag @storytellerstylist on Instagram or Facebook. Experiment with how you look and feel in different outfits. Try adding belts, jewelry, other accessories and be creative. This is your chance to focus on how you change your wardrobe and stop living in the style rut you have been in for years. Reconnect with yourself and report back to me how you did.

Focus the second half of the year by not quitting, but use this time to get where you want to be. Have fun with it, enjoy the learning that comes with it, and stay motivated! You can totally do it. I’m always here to help and I’m your biggest cheerleader.

Will you take the challenge?

If you would like more inspiration and support, please join my private Facebook Group by clicking here: Style Insiders.


Carrie Hagee